Artificial Intelligence as an Input to The Development of Educational Decision-Making

Document Type : Original Article



Abstract :
          The study aimed to identify the shortcomings and weaknesses in the application of artificial intelligence as an input to the development of educational decision making in the Ministry of Education in Kuwait. The study sample consisted of (56) educational leaders in the Ministry of Education in Kuwait.
          The study used the descriptive approach. The study also used one of the methods of future studies, the Delphi method, and the study reached the following results :

Poor leadership training in educational decision-making on artificial intelligence.
Smart technological weakness used in educational decision making.
Poor selection criteria based on traditional skills and methods.
Reliance on traditional jobs and poor training of workers on artificial intelligence.
Weak provision of smart databases for use in decision making.
Lack of reliance on human inputs to feed the smart devices with the data necessary for educational decision-making.
Weak awareness of the importance of artificial intelligence in comparing decisions to choose the best alternative.
Wasting time in making educational decisions in traditional ways and not exploiting it by relying on artificial intelligence.
Weak use and learning from previous experiences of similar decisions and exploitation through artificial intelligence to develop the educational decision-making process.
Weak reliance on artificial intelligence Solves problems related to the analysis of simple and complex relationships about decision.


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