A Training Program Based on Differentiation Education Approach to Develop the Teaching Competencies for Gifted to Geography Teachers

Document Type : Original Article



The problem of the current research is determined by the weakness of teaching competencies for gifted students among geography teachers," and therefore the research aims to try to reveal the effectiveness of a training program based on differentiated Instruction Approach to develop teaching competencies for gifted  students of geography teachers, and to achieve this goal has been prepared a list of competencies for teachers Preparatory stage, proposed visualization of the training program, Trainee Guide, In addition, a test of the knowledge competencies required for geography teachers to teach gifted students, a planning test competencies for geography teachers to teach gifted students, a note of the performance of geography teachers for the competencies needed to teach supervisors was prepared. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the average scores of geography teachers in the pre- and post-application of cognitive competency test, planning competency test, observation card as a whole and in each dimension.


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