Effectiveness of a program based on Reality Counseling on reducing Existential Anxiety among Asample of Palestinian University Student

Document Type : Original Article


1 بحث ماجستیر فی التربیة - تخصص صحة نفسیة وإرشاد نفسی – کلیة التربیة – جامعة عین شمس

2 Professor of Mental Health & Psychological Counseling Faculty of Education Ain Shams University

3 أستاذ الصحة النفسیة والإرشاد کلیة التربیة - جامعة عین شمس

4 Professor of Mental Health & Psychological Counseling Al-Aqsa University - Gaza


This research aims to find okut the effectiveness of the realistic counseling program to reduce the Existential Anxiety in a sample of Palestinian university students and to reveal the differences between the control group and the experimental group in the level of Existential Anxiety after the application of the guidance program. The researcher used the experimental method as appropriate for the variables in the research، the study population consisted of (500) male and female students from Al-Quds Open University in the Gaza Strip. The sample of the actual study consisted of (60) male and female students who scored a high degree on the Existential Anxiety scale (The experimental group consisted of 30 students) and the other (the control group consisted of 30 students). The Existential Anxiety scale was applied، in addition to realistic counseling، both prepared by the researcher، and the results of the research were: there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group before the application of the program and the average scores of the same group after applying the program in the dimensions of the Existential Anxiety scale and the total score was for the favor of the experimental group. There were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group after the application of the program and the mean scores of the group members after the follow-up period in the dimensions of the Existential Anxiety scale and the total score of the scale. The researcher recommended that there should be intensification and development of guidance programs to reduce Existential Anxiety with different age stages، As well as different instructional methods.


Main Subjects

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