Pragmatic Trends in Arabic and English Education Thought A Contrastive Study

Document Type : Original Article


الهیئة العامة للتعلیم التطبیقی والتدریب - دولة الکویت


The study aimed to identify the pragmatic trends between Arabic and English thought, where the study presents the historical origins of pragmatism, the principles of pragmatic philosophy, the foundations of pragmatic philosophy, and the detection of some educational applications of pragmatic philosophy in terms of: (objectives - curriculum - teacher - learner - Calendar - Teaching Methods),
And the differences between pragmatism in Arabic and English thought, and take advantage of this contradiction to come up with some results that contribute to the benefit of pragmatism thought in school education.
In the light of what the study aims to rely on the inductive and descriptive analytical approach to find out the differences between pragmatism in Arabic and English thought, and benefit from them educationally when setting educational goals, and the curricula leading to it, and what may benefit the teacher and the learner, and the diversification of assessment methods, and teaching methods provided to the students.


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