The professional needs of school leaders in the light of the privatization of public education in Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher Master of Educational Administration - Institute of Educational Graduate Studies - King Abdul Aziz University - Saudi Arabia


The study to identify the occupational and professional needs of high school leaders in the light of privatization of public education in the City of Makkah, to achieve the study goals, the researcher used the survey descriptive method, the study community included all high school leaders in the City of Makkah (n=72), a questionnaire was administered to all sample members (n=72), the questionnaire included 40 items distributed on three fields:
First Field: Administrative Skills, Second Field: Human Skills, Third Field: Financial Affairs Skills.
The most important results were as the following:

The occupational needs of school leaders in the light of privatization of public education in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was (high), the general mean of grand total was (3.90), with SD = (0.695).
The need for administrative skill was in first order with mean = (4.20) and very high response.
The need for human skills was in second order with mean = (3.96) and high response.
The need for skills of financial affairs was in the third and last order with mean = (3.54) and high response.
There were statistically significant differences between the points of view of high school leaders in Makkah City for the need to administrative skills in the light of privatization of public education which attribute to the variable of (years of experience) in the favor of those who had more than ten years' experience with higher mean, where the value of the significance level in the test of the analysis of the mono-variance was (0.003), which is a non-significant value at the level (α ≤ 0.05).



Main Subjects

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