The Role of Middle School in Achieving Social Support among Students: A Field Study in Riyadh Study

Document Type : Original Article


Master of Education, Fundamentals of Education, College of Social Sciences, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University


The current study aimed to reveal the role of middle school in achieving social support among students via a field study in Riyadh city. The study made use of the descriptive (survey) method, and a random stratified sample consisting of (363) students representing 0.0044% of the study population was selected from the middle school students in public schools in Riyadh city. The results of the study revealed that the middle school students in Riyadh city reported that the school supports them -to some extent- on the affective and cognitive sides, while the school financial supports was limited. The participants also agreed that the school plays its role in achieving social support among the students concerning the cognitive, affective, and the financial support respectively. The results of the study revealed that among the achieved roles of school in the affective side are the kind treatment, providing students with the ideas and information needed, and the development of self-confidence among students. On the other hand, the achieved roles of school in the affective side are that the school provides advice for students in order to avoid making mistakes; the school makes the students feel that they are reliable; the school supports students in assessing their social relations; and the school supports students in communicating with others. Concerning the financial side, the students revealed that the school makes students depend on themselves in different situations; the school offers the students everything they need; and it provides them with the support needed.


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