Ethics Leadership and its relationship in achieving the total quality standards from the viewpoint of the educational staff members in Mahayil Assir Educational Adminstration

Document Type : Original Article


Master in Educational Management and planning, Faculty of Education , Om Al Qora University


This study aims to identify the extent of commitment by the school principals to leadership ethics and total quality standards in their practices within their educational institutions. Methodology/approach: The study employs the descriptive correlation approach.  Research Community: The research community comprises (300) educational staff male and female members. Forty-five (31) school principals, (52) educational supervisors, and (217) teachers working in the educational institutions of Mohayel, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during the academic year of (1437-1438 A.H.) (-2016- 2017) Data Collection: The researcher uses a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire is composed of two main parts, with 53 items in total. It uses Likert five-point scale (Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, and Never). The first part is concerned with the extend of practicing ethics by the school leaderships (male and female principals) from the viewpoints of the educational staff members. This part comprises four sub-sections, with 27 items in total. The second part is concerned with the extend of practicing the total quality standards by the school leaderships from the viewpoints of the educational staff members. This part comprises four sub-sections, with 26 items in total. Findings: A number of findings have been reached, the most significant of which are: The practices of ethical leadership are effectively carried out in the educational institutions, from the viewpoints of educational staff members. The total quality standards are effectively practiced in the educational institutions, from the viewpoints of educational staff members.


Main Subjects

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