The Reality of Creative Leadership among the Leaders in the General Administration of Education in Qassim Region from the Point of View of Educational Supervisors

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the reality of creative leadership among the leaders in the general administration of education in Qassim region from the point of view of educational supervisors, in the areas of problems, thinking and decision. The study found that the degree of creative leadership among the leaders of the Education Department in general is average (62.75%), where all the axes have the same intermediate score, a percentage of the problems (62.5%), the thinking axis (62%), and decision (64%), The study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the variables of the study (Educational Supervision Department, Educational Qualification, Training Courses). The variable (experience) was found to have a statistical significance at (0.05) for the benefit of the experience more than 8 years. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education focus on the skills of creative leadership in its programs to prepare the leaders of the education departments in the regions and governorates or when selecting them, and to apply the study in the future to other regions and governorates and conduct a study on the obstacles of creative leadership among the leaders of education departments in the regions and governorates of education in Saudi Arabia


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