The Role of Student Activities in Enhancing the Moderation Value in view of the Islamic Perspective among Secondary School Students and methods of Deepening from Their Viewpoints in the light of some Variables

Document Type : Original Article



The present study aimed at investigating the role of student activities in enhancing the value of moderation according to the Islamic perspective among the secondary stage students and the ways of deepening such value from their viewpoints in the light of some variables. To achieve such aim, the descriptive method was adopted, using a two-dimension questionnaire. The first dimension included the items of the status-quo of moderation value and the second one included the items of deepening the status-quo of the moderation value means, which was completed by the study participants totaling 960 (males and females secondary stage students) who were assigned in relation to the variables of (type / governorate / grade / specialization). The results of the study indicated that the role of student activities in enhancing the Islamic moderation value among the middle school students was average. The results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences in the responses of the study participants due to the gender variable in favor of males. There were statistically significant differences due to the governorate variable in favor of Sohag governorate in terms of the staus-quo of the moderation value; however, with respect to the proposed ways to deepen the moderation value, the differences were in favor of Cairo governorate. Finally, there were statistically significant differences in relation to the specialization in favor of the art specialization, and there were statistically significant differences in relation to grade in favor of the second year secondary stage students.


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