Teachers' Professional Development in-light of the Education Excellence Award Criteria by Schools' Principals

Document Type : Original Article



Teachers' Professional Development in-light of the Education Excellence Award Criteria by Schools' Principals
 This thesis aimed at knowing the reality of applying the school leadership for professional development for teachers in light of criteria of education’s prize for distinction in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia, through exploring the degree that school leaders are applying the criteria of practicing the culture of professional development for the teachers within the following indicators: (enhancing the concept of professional development , having the skills of self-learning,  providing technical support and professional experiences for the new teachers).
The purpose of the thesis is to answer the thesis main question “what is the reality of applying the school leadership for professional development for teachers in light of criteria of education’s prize for distinction?”, from this question; other secondary questions about the three indicators mentioned above.
The searcher used the analytical descriptive approach, to collect data and information, and to know this reality, and get results about it; through using the questionnaire as a main tool to collect data.
The searcher used comprehensive inventory methodology for all society components because of the smallness of this society.
The study sample contains all components of the society which are all the teachers in intermediate level in Almzelaf schools in AlQanfatha governorate, AH; total of (135) teachers according to the statistics of education office in Al Qanfatha
.The results of the research emphasize that the degree of applying the school leadership for intermediate level school to the criteria of enhancing the development culture to teachers, which provided by education’s prize for distinction; has got very high positive indicators, emphasizing that the leaders are achieving the following result: the highest indicator applied according to the teachers’ opinion is Providing the school's teachers with the technical assistance and professional experience of their new colleagues, followed by the indicator of having self-learning skills, the third and last level is providing technical support and professional experiences for the new teachers; all these indicator got very high results of practicing.
The searcher recommended many important recommendations that came out from the research results, one of the most important recommendations is empowering the school leaders to have the abilities, knowledge, and tools which help them to manage the professional development process, in addition to continues planning for activities and professional development programs, and variety of the centralization of these plans and the local plans and also at the level of education offices.
At the end, the searcher recommended the continues coordination between leaders and teachers to achieve the required professional development. 


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