Evaluation of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for Arabic Language Teachers at Primary Schools in The Light of Guskey Paradigm.

Document Type : Original Article



The current study was aimed to evaluate the CPD of Arabic language teachers at the primary school of AlAradiyat Governorate following the view of Guskey's Paradigm.To achieve the objectives of his study, the Researcher has used a descriptive approach as well as a resolution tool which included (43) phrases spreading out through 5 themes as followed: CPD Objectives, CPD Content, CPD Supporting Activities, CPD Techniques and CPD Activities Evaluation. The study sample then was consisted of (102) Arabic language primary school teacher. And resulted that all the evaluation of CPD themes has been achieved moderately with averages ranged between (2.61 to 3.03 out of 4), and with (2.80 out of 4) as a general average of the whole themes together. And in term of its importance order, it shown that CPD Content has been ranked as the first at the average of ( 3.03 out of 4 ), then CPD Objectives as the second rank at an average of ( 2.79 out of 4 ), CPD Supporting Activities and Techniques came together thirdly at an average of ( 2.73 out of 4 ). And at the fourth place, CPD Activities Evaluation ranked at an average of (2.61 out of 4). Regarding the results of the study, some recommendations have been made such as: increasing Career Development Programmes, giving teachers some chances to become part of these programs, taking their opinion in consideration, and working hard to enhance it if needed, and finally focusing more on honouring and stimulating teachers who participated in these programs.


Guskey, T.  (2000). Evaluation Professional Development.Oaks,CA: CrwinPress.
Henderson, E (1978). The Evalustion of in Service Techer Trianing. London: Groom Hlena.