Requirements of Applying the Principles of Comprehensive Quality Management for Public Schools Leaders in Al-Rass City

Document Type : Original Article



The current research aimed to find out the requirements for applying the principles of comprehensive quality management for leaders of governmental schools in the city of Al-Rass and the obstacles of implementation and to come up with proposals that can be applied in the principles of comprehensive quality management for leaders. The study proved that were requirements to implement the principles of total quality management among leaders of government schools in the city of Al-Ras, and there were obstacles to applying the principles of total quality management for leaders of government schools in the city of Al-Ras. There were proposals to implement the principles of total quality management for leaders of public schools in Al-Rass. Among the research tools, the researcher used a questionnaire for the requirements of applying the principles of comprehensive quality management among the leaders of public schools in the city of Al-Rass.


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