The outlier values in the performance of students on the tests of abilities and achievement and the impact of the method of dealing with them in the results of statistical analyzes

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to determine the outlier values ​​in the students' grades in the ability and achievement tests and the effect of the method of dealing with them in the results of the statistical analyzes. To achieve the objectives of the study, a stratified random sample of (200) students was selected for each of the two tests. With the outlier values ​​on the results of t-test for the independent samples, one-way ANOVA and the simple linear regression analysis. The t-test of two independent samples showed different results where the practical significance and the strength of the test were in the cases of deletion or replacement of the outlier values. The results of the regression are different according to the method of dealing with the outlier values, The results showed that the achievement test was a good predictor of ability testing


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