The Impact of an Enrichment Program based on Free Reading Directed at the Development of Skills of Poetry Reading and Literary Taste among Middle School Students

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to examine the impact of an enrichment program based on free reading directed to the development of the skills of poetry shedding and literary taste among middle school third grade students. In order to achieve this objective the study employed the methodology of Quasi-experimental and single group experimental design. The sample of the study consists of (32) students of the middle third grade. The materials of the study and the tools were prepared, represented in the measurement of the skills of shedding the poetry texts, and the measurement of the skills of literary taste using the appropriate statistical methods. The most important results of the study are the existence of statistically significant differences between the means of pre and post-performance of the study sample in all skills of shedding poetry texts (The correct pronunciation, the expressive language performance, the expressive  tell of the  poems ), whereas the rate of the effect of the enrichment program based on free reading directed to the development of the aggregate total of the skills of shedding the poetry texts  for the sample of the study is (0.91), which is  a high rate of effects. On the light of these results the study has determined out set of recommendations and suggestions


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