The Reality of Human Capital Investment in king Saud University to Achieve Competitive Advantage

Document Type : Original Article



This  study  aimed  to  identify  the  reality  of  human  capital  investment in king  Saud  university  to  achieve  competitive  advantage through  different  fields  ( training – communication – stimulus ) from  the  point of view of female faculty members of King Saud University , also to identify the  statistical  differences in their response which belong to  variables ( academic rank – number of professional development courses – Specialty).
To achieve the goal of this study , the descriptive analytical approach was followed , and the researcher used the questionnaire tool , and applied the study on random sample about 83 female faculty members and almost 10% from society .
This study reached to important result :

the reality to investment of human capital in King Saud University to achieve competitive advantage in fields ( training – communication  - stimulus ) in general , it was compatible with average which was (2.16 from 3 )  and each field came as follows :

-                 Training field : came in first rank with average (2.20 from 3) and the highest phrases were ( advantage technology used in training process to distinguish of trainers ).
-                 Communication field : came in second rank with average (2.18 from 3 )  and the highest phrases were (Deals finely with beneficiary , be care to have good reputation with society ).
-                 Stimulus field : came in last rank with average (2.09 from 3) and the highest phrases were : (human forces involved in scientific forums . rare researches paper are published in referred journals ).

Difference in the means response of the study sample according to study variable .
Academic rank variable: there was no differences or statistical significance between mean responses of study sample regarding to training , communication and stimulus fields
Variable numbers of professional courses : there was no difference or statistical significances between men responses of study sample regarding to training , communication and stimulus fields .
  Specialty  variable : there was difference or statistical significances between men responses of study sample regarding to stimulus and communication field for faculty members of scientific colleges but there was no difference regarding training field .

Recommendation :
-                 Providing sufficient budget for university administration to Achieve completive advantage and allocate part of it to stimulate employee , their ideas and initiatives.
Activate modern technology , standardize actions and reduce routine to achieve competitive advantage .


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