A Proposed Framework for Enabling Science Teachers to Implement Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies in Science Education through Structured Self-Professional Development Using MOOCs

Document Type : Original Article


Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, College of Education, Taibah University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The aim of the research was to design a proposed framework to empower science teachers to activate Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in teaching science curricula through professional development, specifically via self-regulated professional development using open-source electronic courses (MOOCs). To achieve this objective, the study reviewed the state of the art of science teachers' use of MOOCs for self-professional development in teaching science. It also identified the requirements needed by science teachers to implement Fourth Industrial Revolution applications in science teaching.
Two questionnaires were used to gather information from a sample consisting of faculty members specializing in curricula and methods of teaching science, as well as science teachers in public education. The results indicated a significant importance of using MOOCs for self-professional development among science teachers, who utilize them to a large extent for personal development, despite facing some medium-level obstacles. Key challenges include the administrative burdens placed on teachers, the lack of policies for recognizing professional development through MOOCs in the Ministry of Education, and the need for technical and administrative support
Additionally, the identified requirements are crucial for empowering science teachers to implement Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in the educational process. A proposed structured development plan was designed involving the Ministry of Education, the National Center for E-Learning, and educational administrations, clearly defining the roles of each entity.


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