The Effectiveness of Teaching Science Using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in Developing Scientific Sensibility Skills among Middle School Students

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Curriculum and Science Teaching Methods, College of Education, Umm Al-Qura University, KSA


This study aimed to develop scientific sensibility skills among middle school students through the use of the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in science teaching, demonstrating its effectiveness in this regard. The experimental method was employed in the study, relying on a scientific sensibility test for the cognitive domain and a scale for the affective domain. The study was conducted on a sample of 52 middle school students, divided into two groups: a control group of 26 students who were taught using traditional methods and an experimental group of 26 students who were taught using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model. The results indicated the effectiveness of teaching science using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in developing scientific sensibility in both its cognitive and affective aspects. Based on the study's findings, the following recommendations can be made: training science teachers at the middle school level on the skills required to employ the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model through specialized training and qualification programs. Additionally, providing the necessary resources and equipment to implement the model in science teaching at middle school and beyond. Furthermore, encouraging science teachers to share their experiences with one another to enhance their mastery of the skills required to use modern teaching strategies and models, including the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model.


Main Subjects

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