Structural Modeling for the Role of Cognitive Mindset and Mental Toughness in the Relationship Between Academic Stress and Academic Burnout among Students of Distinguished Programs at the Faculty of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational psychology Qena Faculty of Education, South Valley University, Egypt


The research aimed to determine the level of both academic stress and academic burnout, determine the direction and size of the relationship between them, and reveal the moderating role of both cognitive mindset and mental toughness in the relationship between academic stress and academic burnout, and The possibility of reaching the best structural model that determines the role of cognitive mindset and mental toughness in academic stress and academic burnout. The research sample included (269) male and female students, with an average age of (21.71), and a standard deviation of (1.7). The descriptive approach was used to achieve research objectives, and four self-report tools were used to collect research data, and their psychometric properties were verified. The research results showed that the level of academic stress and academic burnout among the research sample members was higher than the hypothetical average for each of them, and a positive and statistically significant correlation was found between academic stress and academic burnout, and that this relationship can be moderated through mental toughness as a moderating variable, while it cannot be moderated by either the growing or fixed mindsets, and a structural model was developed that identifies the role of cognitive mindset and mental toughness in academic stress and academic burnout.


Main Subjects

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