The Effectiveness of a Proposed Teaching Model in Light of Pragmatic Linguistics to Develop Communicative Competence in Arabic language and Personalized Learning among Faculty of Education Students

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Education, Zagazig University, Egypt


This study aimed to develop communicative competence in the Arabic language and personalized learning among second-year students of education, non-specialized in Arabic, from both non-science and science majors, at Zagazig University. The study sample consisted of (120) second-year students who were taught using the proposed instructional model based on pragmatic linguistics. The research problem was identified as a clear weakness and deficiency in the communicative competence dimensions in Arabic among faculty of education second year students, non-specialized in Arabic, which hinders their ability to communicate effectively with their students in the classroom and accurately convey pedagogical discourse. Additionally, they lacked the necessary skills for personalized learning, which are essential for selecting and sharing communicative content within a personalized learning environment. This problem was revealed in the pilot study conducted by the researcher and was further supported by previous related research and studies. The study involved developing a checklist of communicative competence dimensions in Arabic which are required for second-year students, non-specialized in Arabic, from both non-science and science majors, as well as a checklist of skills necessary for personalized learning. The study also included a communicative competence test in Arabic and an observation card to assess these dimensions, in addition to an achievement test for the cognitive aspect of the skills needed for personalized learning and an observation card for evaluating the performance aspect of these skills. The most significant finding of the study was the effectiveness of the proposed instructional model, based on pragmatic linguistics, in enhancing communicative competence in Arabic and personalized learning among the research group.


Main Subjects

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