A Proposed Strategy to Develop the Performance of the Egyptian STEM Schools of Excellence in Light of the Digital Learning Communities’ Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Educational Principles Faculty of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Comparative Education and Educational Administration Faculty of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt


The aim of the current research is to develop a proposed strategy to develop the performance of schools of outstanding students and technology in Egypt in light of the requirements of digital learning communities, by identifying the conceptual framework of digital learning communities, the features of schools of distinguished students for science and technology, and diagnosing the reality of schools of distinguished students for science and technology, relying on the descriptive approach, and using the method Quadrant environmental analysis to diagnose the reality of the performance of outstanding schools of science and technology in Egypt and identify the most important strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment, as well as to determine the societal conditions and their effects on them in order to discover the available opportunities and threats in the external environment, The research concluded that the reality of the performance of outstanding schools of science and technology suffers from few weaknesses and has many strengths, and at the same time it faces many threats and few opportunities. In light of this, a number of strategic alternatives were presented and compared between them to choose the most appropriate, and the research was concluded. By developing an executive plan to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the proposed strategy to develop the performance of outstanding schools of science and technology in light of the requirements of digital learning communities.


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