Psychometric Properties of the Authenticity Scale in Light of some Psychological Variables among Graduate Students

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Faculty of Education, University of Sadat City, Egypt


The current research was interested in studying the psychometric properties of the authenticity scale by examining its validity, reliability, internal consistency, and the extent of its association with some psychological variables. The sample of the current research consisted of (150) postgraduate researchers. The authenticity scale, the self-compassion scale, the mental well-being scale, and the anxiety scale were applied to them. The results revealed: the presence of three factors with a cumulative explained variance ratio of (75.433) using exploratory factor analysis, and confirming the tripartite structure of the authenticity scale using confirmatory factor analysis. The scale enjoyed a good degree of stability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, where the alpha for the real-life dimension was (0.666), the alpha for the self-alienation dimension was (0.972), and the alpha for the acceptance of the influence of others dimension was (o.936). The results of the current research also showed the presence of statistically significant correlations between the total degree of authenticity and each of the dimensions of self-compassion, the mental well-being variable, and the anxiety variable.


Main Subjects

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