Requirements for Activating Research Partnership in the Field of Islamic Education from the Perspective of Faculty Members in Education Colleges at the Egyptian Universities

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University, Egypt


This study aimed to identify the requirements for activating research partnership in the field of Islamic education from the perspective of faculty members. To meet such an end, the study used the descriptive approach  with its survey metho and made use of a questionnaire to collect data, which was administered to a sample of 276 faculty members in education colleges at the Egyptian universities. The sample was categorized according to variables such as gender, academic rank, and specialization. The results indicated that the approval of the study sample members on the requirements for activating research partnership in the field of Islamic education was high on all dimensions. The results also indicated that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample members attributed to the gender variable, while statistically significant differences were found in their responses attributed to the academic rank in favor of professors compared to assistant professors and lecturers. Moreover, statistically significant differences were found in the responses of the study sample members attributed to the specific specialization variable in favor of faculty members specializing in Islamic education compared to their counterparts from other specializations. The most important recommendations of the study: The importance of Islamic education specialists adopting the requirements revealed by the study and working to disseminate and activate them through meetings and scientific councils in which they participate. Drawing inspiration from some advanced experiences in the field of research partnerships and trying to activate them to develop the reality of research partnerships in the field of Islamic education.


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