The Effect of Employing Smart Learning Stations Strategy Supported by Artificial Intelligence Applications on Developing Concept Understanding and Technological Acceptance among Prep Stage School Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University, Egypt

2 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Science, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Egypt


This research aims to develop an e-learning environment based on employing the strategy of smart learning stations supported by artificial intelligence applications and its effect on developing both conceptual understanding and technological acceptance among 3rd -year preparatory students. To achieve this goal, Instructional materials were produced in the form of smart learning stations supported by artificial intelligence applications including presentations, interactive activities and digital stories. The research used a quasi- experimental approach based on two experimental groups; experimental group and control group; The research sample consisted of 100 male and female students, at 3rd -year preparatory students, the students were randomly divided into two equal groups, The two researchers prepared the following research tools: a conceptual understanding test, and a technology acceptance scale. The reliability and the validity of these tools have been confirmed.
The research results revealed the impact of the strategy of smart learning stations supported by artificial intelligence applications on the development of both conceptual understanding and technological acceptance, in favor of experimental group, and in light of this result, the researchers presented appropriate proposals and recommendations.


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