The Factor Structure of the Family Alienation Scale among Adolescents at Holy Makkah Region

Document Type : Original Article


Psychology Department, Faculty of Education King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to verify the factorial structure of the family alienation scale and to know the extent to which the factorial structure of the family alienation scale matches the data of adolescents in the Saudi environment and to study the indicators of reliability and internal consistency of the family alienation scale among a sample of adolescents to provide a standardized and specific tool in its psychometric properties that suits the Saudi environment. To achieve this, the researcher followed the descriptive approach and used the family alienation scale among adolescents prepared by Jamal Al-Layl and Akram (2022) on a sample of (808) adolescents in Makkah Al-Mukarramah region, aged between (12-18) years. The sample was randomly divided using the (SPSS) program into two samples, the first of which consisted of (483) adolescents and exploratory factorial analysis was used, and the second sample consisted of (401) adolescents where confirmatory factorial analysis was used to verify the validity and reliability of the scale. The results contributed to extract four factors for the scale, which are Normlessness, Social Isolation, Powerlessness, and Rejection. The results also showed the structural validity of the scale and the reliability of the data to the four dimensions model, and its good psychometric properties. The researcher recommends the validity of the scale for use in the Saudi environment.


Main Subjects

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