Teacher Professional Identity and its Relationship to Turnover Intention and Professional Burnout among Primary and Middle School Teachers at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Psychology and Educational Statistics, Faculty of Education for Boys in Cairo, Al-Azhar University, Arab Republic of Egypt

2 Department of Educational Psychology and Educational Statistics, Faculty of Education for Boys in Cairo, Al-Azhar University, Egypt



This research sought to explore the relationship between teacher professional identity and both turnover intention, and professional burnout among primary and middle institutes teachers at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. Participants were (220): 92 males and 128 females teachers. The researchers designed and utilized two scales for assessing teacher professional identity and turnover intention. They also utilized professional burnout scale (prepared by Maslach and arabization by Suleiman Al-Wabeli, 1995). Data analysis revealed that there was a statistically significant negative correlation at the significance level (0.01) between the Participants’ scores on Teacher Professional Identity Scale and their scores on Professional Burnout Scale. Additionally, there was a statistically significant negative correlation at the significance level (0.01) between the participants’ scores on Teacher Professional Identity Scale and their scores on Turnover Intention Scale. However, there was a significant positive correlation at the significance level (0.01) between the participants’ scores on Professional Burnout Scale and their scores on Turnover Intention Scale. The results also showed that the teacher professional identity predicts both professional burnout and turnover intention. The results were discussed and interpreted, along with some suggestions and recommendations.


Main Subjects

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