The Relative Contribution of Cognitive Biases and Mind Wandering as Predictors of Academic Mindset among Students of Faculty of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Egypt


The aim of the current research is to reveal the nature of the correlation between cognitive biases and academic mindset, as well as the correlation between mind wandering and academic mindset, and to reveal the relative contribution of both cognitive biases and mind wandering in predicting academic mindset. The research sample consisted of (347) male and female students at the Faculty of Education, Helwan University, in the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024, with an mean age of (19.4) years and a standard deviation of (1.56) years. The research tools consisted of a cognitive biases scale, and a scale mind wandering, and the academic mindset scale, and the research results found negative correlations between some components of the academic mindset and cognitive biases among College of Education students, while there are no relationships with regard to all dimensions of cognitive biases and both academic entitlement and academic achievement goals as one of the components of academic mentality. It also found that there are statistically significant negative correlations between mind wandering and the dimensions of academic mentality (academic motivation, academic self-vitality, beliefs in intelligence and academic ability, and academic hope), while there is no Statistically significant correlations between mind wandering and both dimensions of academic entitlement and academic achievement goals. The results also revealed that some academic components can be predicted through both (some cognitive biases) and some dimensions of mind wandering.


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