Physical activity and its relationship to the rate of obesity and some manifestations of emotional state in the western region of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article



Assistant professor at Umm Alqura University
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the relationship between physical activity, obesity rate and some aspects of emotional state in the western region of Saudi Arabia. In addition to the impact of physical activity and sports on public health and some aspects of the emotional state. A questionnaire was used for this study and distributed to a random sample of (N=1353) individuals (M=639, F=714) in the western region of Saudi Arabia. The results showed that there was a difference in the levels of weight gain for the sample. In addition, 33.18% of the male sample were overweight, while the percentage was lower among females (27.17%). Emotional aspects tended to be positive despite the high rates of those who do not participate in sport and physical activity. There was also a negative correlation between physical activity and obesity, as well as a negative correlation between the level of obesity and the positive aspects of the emotional state.
