A proposed vision for an ethical and legal charter for practitioners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article



The summary of the study
This study aims to put a vision of an ethical code for psychologists. And the people who works  in psychological  filed . This ethical code is considered as a constitutional treaty  among specialists who committed to it according to the  behavior aimed at high professional performance, to avoid mistakes and excesses that do harm to the profession, its workers or the person targeted by this psychological service. This study is prepared according to the descriptive analytical method, by analyzing a set of codes. The moral code of workers of psychologists service , psychologists and psychiatrists or who teach psychology, issued by the American Psychological Association (APA) , the ethical code of the Egyptian Psychologists Association (Ranem) and the code of ethics for those who work in psychological counseling and guidance  issued by the student counseling center at sultan Qaboos  university in Oman, the code of ethic of psychological counseling and guidance for students in the school of education issued by the General Administration of Guidance and Counseling in the Ministry of Education in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.