Self-pity and its relationship to some psychological and social problems resulting from the use of social media among university students

Document Type : Original Article


Mental health - Faculty of Education - Alexandria University


The Aim of this research is to study the correlation between  Self - compassion and its dimensions (Self  Kindness, Common Humanity, Mindfulness) and some psychological and social problems resulting from the use of social communication methods among university students, The sample consisted of 320 students from the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, 1st and 4th division, male and female, from scientific and literary disciplines, The tools were in the measure of self compassion by the researcher, and the measure of psychological and social problems resulting from the means of social communication by the researcher.
The results:
-      Different levels of self- compassion among university students according to gender in favor of females, according to specialization in favor of the literary people, according to the division in favor of the fourth group
-      Different levels of psychological and social problems resulting from the social networking sites among university students of different types for males, and different specialization for the benefit of the literary people and the difference in favor of the fourth division
-      There is a positive correlation between self- compassion as a whole degree and psychological and social problems as a whole degree
-      The difference in the correlation between the degrees of self- compassion and the psychological and social problems depending on the gender in favor of males, depending on the specialization in favor of literary disciplines, and according to the division in favor of the fourth group.
