A proposed program based on the Freer model for developing basic logical concepts and perceived self-efficacy and maintaining the learning impact of female teachers, Department of Philosophy and Sociology

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods - Ain Shams University


Research Summary :
This research aims at revealing the effectiveness of a proposed program that based on frier model for development of basic logical concepts , self-efficacy and the survival of the impact of learning among female students teachers .
From Division philosophy: 
To achieve this aim , the researcher prepared the following :
1-    Experimental tools: they are introduced in the proposed program in the light of frier model. 
2-    Measurement tools: They in clude a test in the basic logical concepts, self-efficacy scale . the study sample consisted of ( 30) students , third year , Division philosophy and the researcher applied the measurement tools an the sample then taught the proposed program : After that the researcher applied the remote measurement application and it was shown from the results the effectiveness the proposed program in developing the logical concepts ,  self-efficacy and the existence of the impact of learning for the student teacher . 
In the light of those results, the researcher recommends the necessity of training the student teacher on teaching models .
The previous researcher proved their effectiveness in teaching and learning concepts of logic philosophy.