Three-dimensional digital design programs and the extent of their use in jewelry design

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Art Education College of Education, Al-Muzahmia University, Shaqra


    The objective of the research is to identify the evolution of 3D design programs and to discover the role of three dimensional design programs in the design of the ornaments, to arrive at recommended recommendations for the use of 3D design programs in the design of the ornaments, and to use the descriptive method. Description and analysis of the origin of the development of digital design techniques three-dimensional, and its role in the design of jewelry with the mention of some models of three-dimensional jewelry, and limited the research on the role of three-dimensional digital design programs and how to use it in the design of jewelry.
The research found the contribution of three dimensional digital design programs in the vital processes of modern technology, and the practice of computer drawing and design programs to create artistic visions of the digital image related to the production of jewelry, and the use of drawing software and computer design to blow the potential to activate the mental and analytical capabilities of scientific and technical creativity Original, fluent and flexible