Psychological bornout and its relationship to stomach ulcers among a sample of elementary stage female teacher.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Psychology - King Saud University

2 Assistant Psychology Professor - King Saud University


The research aimed to identify the correlation between burnout (the total score and the fields) and the exposure the the female teacher to the gastric ulcers in Riyadh City. The sample consisted of 50 primary female teachers, in a number of primary schools in north Riyadh, at the age of 30-50 years of an undergraduates in all disciplines, and with over 10 yars experience. It used Maslach scale for Burnout, and the list of Cornell’s ways for neurological and psychosomatic,The results indicated that there was a statistically significant correlation between the psychological burnout (the etotal score and the emotional stress field) and the exposure the the female teacher to the gastric ulcers, and there was not significant statistical correlation between the psychological burnout (the emotions subsided field and personal achievement field) and the exposure the the female teacher to the gastric ulcers. The researcher recommended that several recommendations including; the attention need of decision –makers and Ministry of Education in the phenomenon of burnout among its staff of teachers, adapting new strategies to break the routine and monotony at work in the teaching profession, and  the search for the causes and sources of burnout. The researcher also recommended to do courses for female employees who working in Education field.
