Effectiveness of A Training Program Based on Some Mental Imagery Strategies in the Treatment of Memory For pupil’s student With Learning Disability.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Special Education - Arab East College, Riyadh

2 Mental hygiene and special education Associate Professor,


 Abstract: The current study aims to know the Effectiveness of A Training Program Based on Some Mental Imagery Strategies  in the Treatment of Memory For pupil’s student With Learning Disability . A study sample has been formed of 21 students with learning disabilities who were withdrawn from a larger sample formed of 55 students who obtained the highest degree om memory disabilities  scale. Then they were distributed into three groups. First group was an experimental group, comprises of 7 students, second group comprises of 7 students and a controlling group comprises of 7 students. Using semi experimental methodology. The study was performed in Riyadh city. The personal assessment scale for memory disability had been used (Alzayat 2015) and training program based on some mental conception, prepared by the researcher. The program was formed of 48 training sessions (24 sessions for training on the key word strategy and 24 sessions for training on access strategy). The results revealed effectiveness of mental conception on enhancing students' memory with learning disability. The study recommended attention intensely using various mental Imagery strategies in teaching students with learning difficulties for its positive results in academic achievement, and the need to hold training courses for teachers in primary schools to educate them and train them on the use and application of those cognitive strategies to help you remember in the education of pupils with difficulties learning in regular classrooms