The role of the supervisory system in improving the level of school performance in the secondary stage in the city of Riyadh from the viewpoint of educational supervisors

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Supervisor, Department of Educational Affairs for Girls, Rafha Governorate, Saudi Arabia


The aim of the study was to define the role of the supervisory system in improving the level of school performance in
In the secondary stage in the cities of Riyadh, include the two sides of the honor of the two honorable soils, and to achieve this goal
The study used a descriptive approach with reliance on the questionnaire as a data collection tool, and as a whole
The study is by the educational supervisors in the secondary schools in the cities of Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
The study was applied to a sample
of (300) supervisors and supervisors, and the study reached the results of the most important of them:
The degree of approval of the total area of ​​the axis (average) is from the point of view of the study and its arrangement.
As follows, the first axis related to the role of the supervisory system in improving levels of special class performance
Teachers, then the third axis related to the role of the supervisory system in improving administrative performance and leadership.