Patterns of student learning interactions with others on open social networks

Document Type : Original Article



This research aims at identifying patterns of student interaction with others, and identifying the educational activities and tasks in which they interact through open social networks. The researcher adopts the qualitative experimental approach, which collects, analyzes and categorizes data to reach results regarding the underlying phenomenon. For proving his research, the researcher has chosen a sample consisting of 27 fourth year students of the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University. The researcher monitored and collected data through the interaction of those students with others on open Facebook groups to carry out the educational tasks and activities required to develop multimedia programs. By interaction analysis, a list of communicated persons was developed. The list included (12) persons having differed experiences, specialties, and scientific degrees. In addition, the researcher developed a list of educational activities and tasks, including 4 key indicators and other 15 sub-indicators. A list of the educational activities and tasks in which they interact with each person from the interaction persons through the open social networks. Against this backdrop, the levels of student interaction were classified into three levels (High, Medium, low). Further, the researcher extracted the results of the research, which indicated high interactions through the open social networks in general, as well as the high level of interaction with others regarding the educational activities, especially when the implementation of an educational activity or task requires opinions of experts and specialists or those who share similar interests..
