The relationship between leadership skills and creative problem solving for gifted students in the intermediate stage in the city of Tabuk in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article



The study aimed to identify the level of leadership skills among gifted students in the intermediate stage in the city of Tabuk and to identify the relationship between leadership skills and creative problem solving among talented middle school students in the city of Tabuk in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the light of gender and grade variables, and the study used the descriptive approach (and included the study) 150) male and female students in the three middle grades, and a measure of leadership skills was used that includes four skills: (initiation, integration, control, recognition)
    The study found that the level of leadership skills among gifted students was high. It also indicated the existence of positive correlations and statistically significant at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the overall degree of leadership skills and the overall degree to solve creative problems and sub-skills except for the problem-setting skills and practical skill. The study also found that females outnumbered males in leadership skills, on the other hand the results showed that females outnumbered males in the overall degree of creative problem solving, while the results did not show a statistically significant difference in leadership skills and creative problems attributable to the interaction between gender and classroom.