A Training Program Based on Some Executive Functions to Develop the Use of Verbal Context in Improving Oral Conversation Skills for Children with Developmental Language Disorder

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Language and Speech Disorders, Faculty of Special Need Science, Beni Suef University, Egypt


The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of some executive functions in developing the use of verbal context in improving oral conversational skills for children with developmental language disorder. The sample consisted of (20) children with developmental language disorder who were divided into two groups, experimental and control, their ages ranged between (4-6) years, and their intelligence quotients ranged between (90-110) degrees on the Stanford-Binet scale. The scale of the level of development of executive functions in children (preparation / Abdulaziz Al-shakhsi, et al,2013), Diagnosing developmental language disorder (preparation / Abdulaziz Al-shakhsi, et al,2018), Using verbal context (researcher), Oral conversational skills (researcher), and the training program (researcher). The research results found that there were statistically significant differences in the use of verbal context and oral conversational skills for children with developmental language disorder in the pre and post measurements of the experimental group in favor of the post measurement, and there were no statistically significant differences in verbal context and oral conversational skills for children with developmental language disorder in the post and follow-up measurements of the program. Hence, the research points to the importance of executive functions in children with developmental language disorder to develop verbal context and oral conversational skills. In light of these results, the researcher proposed a number of recommendations and future studies.


Main Subjects

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