A Training Program Based on Self-Engineering to Improve Psychological Immunity and Self-Vitality among Students of the College of Education

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Egypt


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the training program based on self-engineering in improving the psychological immunity and self-vitality of students in the College of Education, as well as to determine the continuity of the effectiveness of that program. To achieve the objectives of the study, both approaches were adopted: descriptive; In the theoretical framing of the study variables, analysis of previous relevant studies, and interpretation of the results, and the quasi-experimental one-group design, two tools were also used, represented by: the Psychological Immunity Scale (prepared by/ Doaa Awad Ahmed, 2019), and the Self-Vitality Scale (prepared by/ Ryan & Frederick, 1997, translation and Arabization/ Abdel Aziz Ibrahim Selim, 2016), and was applied to a study group consisting of (16) female student teachers from the Psychology Department in the fourth year, Faculty of Education - Alexandria University. The researcher also prepared a training program based on self-engineering, The study reached the following results: The effectiveness of the training program based on self-engineering in improving both: psychological immunity and self-vitality among students of the College of Education, and the continued effectiveness of the training program based on self-engineering in improving both: psychological immunity and self-vitality among students of the College of Education. According to the results reached, several recommendations and proposals were presented.


Main Subjects

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