The degree of management practice in the values of school leaders in Al-Baha From the point of view of the teachers

Document Type : Original Article


Al Baha Education Department / Saudi Arabia


The Degree of Practicing Management via Values among School Leaders in Al-Baha Region from the Viewpoints of Teachers.
Fawzia Jamaan Al Ghamdy
Educational Administration of Al-Baha Region / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The current study aimed at investigating the degree of practicing management via values among school leaders in Al-Baha region from the viewpoints of teachers. The researcher made use of the survey descriptive method and utilized a questionnaire for collecting the target data from the study participants. The study population consisted of all the general education school teachers in Al-Baha region (primary - preparatory - secondary) during the academic year 1438/1439 A.H. totaling (4164) teachers according to the data provided by the Teachers Affairs Office in Al-Baha. A stratified random sample was selected totaling (477) teachers. The results of the study showed that the degree of practicing the management via values was high as the mean score was (70.3). Furthermore, the results also indicated that there were statistically significant differences that may be attributed to the variables of the educational stage and years of experience. In the light of the results attained, the study recommended paying the due attention to the field of integrity and independence by the school leaders in their administrative practices.).


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