Attitudes of female educational supervisors towards the use of a system of performance leadership indicators Supervisory to achieve balance in some areas of their work

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Administration Department Educational Higher Studies Institute King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah - Saudi Arabia


The aim of the current research is to identify the directions of educational supervisors working in offices
Education in the city of Jeddah towards the use of a system of indicators of leadership performance oversight to achieve balance in
The fields of (academic achievement, professional growth and supervisory methods), and the sample consisted of (169)
An educational supervisor randomly selected from the research community. The descriptive approach has been used, as
A questionnaire was used, and the research yielded a number of results, the most important of which are: a system of leadership indicators did not achieve
Supervisory performance. The expected balance in the three areas of the educational supervisor's work. It also revealed
There are no statistically significant differences due to the variable years of experience in educational supervision between the trends of
Educational supervisors towards the use of the system, while there were statistically significant differences attributable to the variable
Take training courses, where these differences came in favor of the supervisors who got
Three or more training courses. The research was concluded with a number of recommendations that were drawn in light of what
It yielded results


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