The Educational Attitudes in the Book “The Learner in the History of Schools” Abdul Qadir Al-Nuaimi and their Educational Applications

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic Education - College of Social Sciences - Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University


this study aims to identify the most important educational directions on the Book of the investigator in the history of schools for Abdulqadir Alnuaimi with educational applications in the field of (education funding, teachers' arts, and students motivations), also to mention the educational applications for these fields seeking to benefit from it and apply it on the educational and learning field. Methodology: the research used the deductive and analytic methods.

Book of the investigator in the history of schools for Abdulqadir Alnuaimi , book of values, which have rich educational wealth
The book is interested in the educational and learning institutions at time and place of the book.
Schools revealed on the book have special position, as it depended on mortmain, as schools were separated on managing the financial sources.
The book have concerned with teachers' arts, with more details.
Religiousness is a distinguished mark for teachers on the book, to have direct relation between Religiousness and teachers' arts.
Teachers' roles are many to include education, judiciary, and managing the educational and financial sources.
Variety and comprehensiveness of motivations on book of examiner on history of schools.
Book of the investigator in the history of schools have positive motivations disappearance of negative motives