Positive values in the Prophetic Hadiths Derived from the Single Hadiths Book of Imam Al-Bukhari and a Suggested Proposal for teaching them

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Sharia Sciences Qassim University - College of Education


Positive values in the Prophetic Hadiths Derived from the Single Hadiths Book of Imam Al-Bukhari and a Suggested Proposal for teaching them
Dr. Abdullah bin Mohamed Al-Ghadouni, Qassim University, College of Education, 1439/1440
The study aimed to prepare a list of positive values ​​according to Islamic view and to identify the level of inclusion of positive values ​​through the analysis of the prophetic Hadiths in the Single Hadiths Book of Imam Al-Bukhari and provide a suggested proposal in teaching positive values ​​for secondary students.
The study population and sample include the Single Hadiths Book of Imam Al-Bukhari - may Allah have mercy on him. The study adopted analysis of content method, and analysis content checklist as an instrument for the study. The study came up with a list of positive values as follows: 1- initiative 2 - cooperation 3 - proficiency 4 - reform 5 - altruism 6 - perseverance 7 - high spirits 8 - responsibility 9 – being quick in doing good deeds 10 - optimism 11 – doing favour 12 - flexibility 13 - taking into account common sense.
The main findings of the study are:
1- The percentage of availability of positive values ​​varied, with the highest percentage being (3.10%) and the lowest percentage (1%).
2. The value of taking into account common sense achieved as the most positive value in terms of frequency, with total repetitions (31) and a percentage of (3.10%)
3 - The last rank value of altruism by (0.60%).
4 - The study also presented a suggested proposal in teaching positive values ​​for students.
Finally, the study made some recommendations and suggestions.
The research extends thanks to the Chair of Abdulaziz Bin Saleh Al-Sa'awi for Positive Development, for the support for this research