The Future of Interdisciplinary Studies in Educational Research

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt


Scientific, technological and environmental transformations and the rapid development in the fields of science and knowledge and the resulting changes have imposed on human thought a reconsideration of the foundations of organizing knowledge, and the need to find bridges between disciplines. University and research centers are the perfect place for developing scientific research, and they can follow developments in disciplines. the basic. Hence, there was an urgent need for the so-called Interdisciplinary Research to keep pace with the needs of society and the requirements of development, to constitute a fertile field for researchers in the modern era, because of the importance it represents for studying the various phenomena of society, and its complex issues and problems that need to cross barriers and cognitive constraints between the social and natural sciences. It revolves around integration, as integration literally means “working together.” Such research is a fertile field for researchers in the modern era, because of its importance in studying the various phenomena of society, and its complex issues and problems that need to cross barriers and cognitive limitations between the social and natural sciences, including the educational... Therefore, the trend towards inter-studies will contribute to expanding the circle of educational research as it relies on knowledge interaction, not an end in itself, but a means to support research efforts to confront societal problems, and to promote a competitive environment, through which knowledge can be obtained through the integration and formulation of new research fields. Accordingly, this paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of interdisciplinary studies in current educational research by asking the following questions:


Main Subjects

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