The Relative Contribution of Both Thinking Styles and Perceived Self-Efficacy to Academic Resilience among a Sample of University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Egypt


The current research aimed to determine the relative contribution of each of the styles of thinking and perceived self-efficacy in the academic resilience of a sample of university students, on a sample of (234) of whom (79) were males, and (155) females in the second, third, and fourth grades in literary disciplines. And scientific, with an average age of (19.3) and a standard deviation of (4.09). From Helwan University students, the following tools were applied: a measure of thinking styles prepared by / researchers, and a measure of perceived self-efficacy prepared by / Fouad, 2022, and a measure of academic resilience prepared by / researchers. The results of the research revealed that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between the degrees of the research sample on the scale of thinking styles and academic resilience, as well as the presence of a statistically significant positive correlation between the degrees of the research sample on the scale of perceived self-efficacy and academic resilience, as well as the possibility of predicting academic resilience among Research sample individuals through thinking styles (minority, hierarchical, internal) and perceived social and academic self-efficacy.


Main Subjects

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