Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on the Principles of Early Start Denver Model on Increasing Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Speech and Language Disorders, Faculty of Special Needs Sciences, Beni-Suif University, Egypt


The current research aimed at increasing language development in children with autism spectrum disorder through an early intervention program based on Denver Early Intervention Model. A sample of (5) children with autism spectrum disorder (4 males, 1 female) participated as one group, aged (3-5) years, with an average age (4. 8) with SD (8.9), (4) males and (1) female children, with (55-70) IQ with an average (63.8), and SD (5.6), using semi-experimental approach with one group design. To verify the research aim, the researcher translated and standardized language development scale for children with autism spectrum disorder and prepared a program based on Denver model for early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder by the researcher- made. The results showed that there was a significant statistically differences at (0.05) in post assessment after graduation from the early intervention program based on Denver model on increasing language development (language, connected speech, interpersonal social relations, fluency, voice, and articulation dimensions) in children with autism spectrum disorder in favor of post assessment.


Main Subjects

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