The Effectiveness of a Training program Using the Makton Strategy in Improving Receptive and Expressive Language Skills among a Sample of Language-Delayed Children

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Language and Speech Disorders - Faculty of Sciences of Special Needs - Beni Suef University - Beni Suef - Egypt


The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training program using the Makton strategy in improving receptive and expressive language skills among a sample of language-delayed children and aimed to verify the sustainability of improvement after program completion. The researcher conducted an analysis of literature and educational research related to receptive and expressive language skills, as well as descriptive studies and training programs designed to develop these skills. The implemenation of the program started with a sample of 120 boys and girls, including 35 language-delayed children, aged between 4 and 6 years, with an average age of 4.9 and a standard deviation of 0.693. The participants were selected from speech therapy centers in Beni Suef Governorate. A survey sample of 30 children and an experimental sample of 5 children were chosen for the research. The participants in the program were assessed pre-, post-, and follow-up using the following study tools: The Arabized Preschool Language Scale prepared by (Ahmed Abu Hasiba, 2013) and the training program using the Makton strategy (prepared by the researcher). The study's results indicated the effectiveness of the Makton strategy in improving receptive and expressive language skills. Furthermore, the results demonstrated continued improvement and the maintenance of the program's effect during a two-month follow-up period after program implementation.


Main Subjects

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