The Effect of the Interaction between the Leaderboard patterns (Complete and Limited) and their timing of Display in Games Stimuli based E-learning Environment on improving Academic Achievement, Motivation for Performance and Technology Acceptance level in Female

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Instructional Technology Ain Shams University –Faculty of Women for Arts, Science & Education - Egypt


The present research aims to reveal the effect of the interaction between the leaderboard patterns and the timing of leaderboard display in games stimuli based E-learning environment, on improving academic achievement, motivation for performance and technology acceptance level in Female Teachers Students. Accordingly a games stimuli based E-learning environment with its two leaderboard patterns (Complete and Limited) and their timing of display (immediate and delayed), has been developed by following El Dousoki's (2012) Model stages. Moreover, a combination of educational research methods, namely: The Analytical-Descriptive, the Developmental and the experimental, have been used. In addition on academic achievement test, motivations for performance measure and technology acceptance level measure have also been prepared. The study's sample consists female students studying at college of Women. Those female students have been divided into four experimental groups. The study's results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between who used the complete leaderboard pattern and those who used the limited leaderboard pattern in relation to the academic achievement posttest, the gain in knowledge acquisition and technology acceptance level, while there is a statistically significant difference on achievement motivation in favor who used the limited leaderboard pattern. and that there was also no statistically significant difference between who used the immediate timing display pattern of leaderboard after every educational activity and those who used the delayed timing display pattern of leaderboard after a group of educational activities on the research dependent variables. Also,  there was no statistically significant difference effect that can be attributed to the interaction between the patterns of the leaderboard and the patterns of its display timing on the dependent search variables.


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