The Reality of Employing Artificial Intelligence Applications and its challenges in The Habilitation of Children with Special Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder - Intellectual Disability) from The Point of View of Teachers and Specialists.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Beni -Suef University - Faculty of Special Needs Science - Egypt

2 Autism Department. Faculty of Sciences for Special Needs BENI SUEF University - Egypt


The current research aims to reveal the reality and challenges of employing artificial intelligence applications in the habilitation of children with special needs (autism spectrum disorder - intellectual disability) from the point of view of teachers and specialists, as well as revealing teachers' attitudes towards the application of artificial intelligence. The research consists of (227) teachers for children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. The research tools consist of the reality of employing artificial intelligence applications for people with special needs scale, the attitudes towards employing educational artificial intelligence applications in the education and training of people with special needs scale, the challenges of employing artificial intelligence applications with people with special needs scale, the study used the (T) test and one-way analysis of variance. The applications of artificial intelligence come with an average degree, ranking the challenges facing the employment of applications of artificial intelligence only artificial as follows (physical and technical challenges, challenges in the educational field, challenges in the security and privacy aspect, challenges in the social field) and all the challenges came to a large extent, and the attitudes of teachers and specialists were positive and to a great extent also towards the importance of employing artificial intelligence applications in the educational and habilitation process For children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, There are no statistically significant differences in the reality of employing artificial intelligence applications, challenges ,teachers' attitudes, due to the variable of specialization, years of experience and gender.


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