The Effectiveness of a program Based on the Inquiry Approach and Context-based Learning in Developing Achievement, Cognitive Agility, and Mental Wandering in the E-learning Environment of Preparatory School Students

Document Type : Original Article


Psychological and Educational Sciences Department - Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University - Egypt


Aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of a program based on inquiry and context-based learning, aiming to develop achievement and improving cognitive agility and mental  functional wandering and reducing non-functional wandering among  second year preparatory school students in  e-learning environment., An electronic educational program was prepared using the steps of the survey entrance and context-based learning to teach the "website design" unit in  computer and information technology curriculum,. An achievement test was prepared to measure the cognitive side. A cognitive agility scale and a mental wandering scale were prepared. The research sample was students of second preparatory grade school, Following the semi-experimental approach with experimental design of two equal groups, experimental with 30 students who were taught using the electronic educational program, control group with 30 students who were taught in traditional way. Research tools were applied to two groups, By processing the data statistically, the effectiveness of teaching was shown using the program, and The experimental and control groups in the post application in favor of the experimental group, and there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post application in favor of the post application in the research tools, which indicates the effectiveness of the electronic educational program in improving achievement, cognitive agility and mental wandering.


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