A Proposed Perspective of the Students Affairs Deanship Roles in Developing Leadership Skills among Student Clubs Leaders in Saudi University in the Light of 2030 Vision

Document Type : Original Article



The current study aimed at developing a proposed perspective of the Student Affairs Deanship roles in developing the leadership skills among the student clubs leaders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia universities in the light of 2030 Vision. Furthermore, the study sought to identify the most prominent obstacles encountered by the Student Affairs Deanship in developing the leadership skills of the student clubs leaders at King Saud University. The study made use of the descriptive method for fulfilling its purpose and a questionnaire was developed for collecting the study data. The study population was all the female students at King Saud University in Riyadh who are the leaders of female student clubs at King Saud University and the study was delimited to 35 students as participants. The results of the study revealed that the study participants agreed to the roles of the Student Affairs Deanship in developing the leadership skills among the student leaders at King Saud University. The study participants agreed to some extent to the main obstacles of activating the role of Student Affairs Deanship in developing the leadership skills at King Saud University. The study participants agreed to the development requirements that can be identified for activating the role of Student Affairs Deanship for developing the leadership skills at King Saud University. The study recommended providing opportunities for exchanging experiences with club leaders in other universities, providing development training opportunities for student clubs leaders outside the university and involving club leaders in planning student activities.


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